South Plains Leatherfest's Commitment to Accessibility

Here at South Plains, we believe that accessibility matters.

Our commitment is to produce a world-class Leather event that is welcoming, accessible, relevant, and transformative for our incredibly diverse base of attendees. This commitment touches all areas of our event from our website, to our selection of venue, to the planning of our educational track, to the fine print in the contest rules. If you have any questions or would like to discuss accessibility needs for this year's event, please use the CONTACT US form on the South Plains Leatherfest website to engage with us. We will listen, respond in a timely manner, and work to create change together.

Accessible Spaces

South Plains Leatherfest is committed to ensuring that all attendees can navigate the event with success, ease and comfort. With that in mind, the hotel was chosen in large part for the openness and accessibility it provides for our full community, including attendees who use wheelchairs and scooters.

If you are on TikTok, you can find several videos (@southplainsleatherfest) showcasing how gorgeous and accommodating the Hilton hotel is.

Scooter Rentals

ASL Interpreters

South Plains Leatherfest is working diligently to provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters in a way that allows both access to and flexibility with interpreters throughout the weekend. We have created a new program that in addition to providing interpreters at every stage event, provides people with an individual personal interpreter for them to decide how to schedule in a way that fits their needs.

Please help us to provide this innovative program by making a donation to our ASL Fund.

Gender Neutral Bathrooms

The following locations will provide Gender Neutral Bathrooms marked as "with urinals" and "without urinals" for SPLF Attendees:
- Texas Ballroom Hallway (near vending)
- 2nd Floor (near classrooms)
- The Sanctuary (#1004)
- Hospitality Suite (17th floor)

Volunteer Discounts

No event can run without a crew of volunteers, and we believe in compensating volunteers generously for their time and efforts. South Plains Leatherfest is proud to offer multiple levels of compensation based on the number of hours you choose to work, up to 80% off a weekend package! We are providing volunteer opportunities for onsite and virtual attendees, including online Zoom moderating for our hybrid education track. All the details can be found here.

Rideshare Support

FolX will be traveling from all over to attend South Plains Leatherfest, and one of the ways we can support you in saving a bit of money is by providing a forum to help interested attendees to coordinate rideshares (and obviously discuss car snacks and playlists). We've started a FetLife Rideshare thread for exactly this purpose.

Hotel Roomshare Support

Part of the adventure of conferences can be the silly, serious and sexy times you might have with your event roomies! We've created a FetLife Roomshare thread to help connect anyone who needs a room or has a room to share.


To help create a safe space and offer emotional support during the weekend, SPLF in collaboration with our Sponsor Realistic Expectations, will provide on-call Queer Kink Aware Therapists all weekend. The contact information and schedule will be posted in the Sanctuary Quiet Room, #1004 (

Morning Centering

Meditation and Yoga
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Sanctuary Quiet Space Room 1004

Affinity Spaces

We love moments when everyone at the event can come together, and also honor the need for affinity-specific spaces for many of the communities that attend SPLF.

Play Spaces

In addition to the huge ballroom dungeon open to all attendees, we've created additional dungeons spaces centering specific affinity groups. Play where you feel safest and sexiest!

Social (and Quiet) Spaces and Support

The Sanctuary – Room 1004 (10th Floor)
The hotel has many options of spaces to socialize, but we've specifically added a space for quiet time/aftercare with minimal stimulation in The Sanctuary, located in Room 1004. This space is available 24/7 all weekend long and is co-sponsored by Bound by Desire.

Additionally, to support the emotional health of our attendees, we will provide therapists on call to help with struggles that may arise for you during the weekend. Their schedule and contact information will be posted in Room 1004.

Bound by Desire
Recovery Support

SPLF offers recovery meetings held each evening.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
6:00 pm Recovery in the Lifestyle Meeting located in the Cactus Boardroom on the 2nd Floor