Adrianna is a Mexican/Purépecha/Cherokee, gender-fluid, Queer, and neurodivergent Switch from Bakersfield, CA. “ “They have been part of the lifestyle for 10 years. They are the creator and co-founder of the Indigenous/Native Leather Group on Facebook, established, February 2022. “ “She has been attending Native ceremonies her whole life and participating in talking circles throughout the state for nearly 25 years. For the past 3 years, Adrianna has co-facilitated her local Women's Wellness Talking Circle.
Native American or Indigenous talking circles are a tradition dating back thousands of years. They are a form of community, healing, and spirituality. They are a Native tradition, and only people trained in leading one can do so. After a Smudging ritual, participants enter the circle through the East opening and find a seat. Walking within the circle should be done clockwise. The facilitator will then guide the conversation.
Sir Adeena started her leather journey over… now a Lady never really tells her age!!! Sir Adeena has a heart for service, leadership and education. Sir Adeena has served as International Person of Leather 2017, in a variety of leadership of various clubs and is Head of House Phoniex Guard.
Do you like service and want more? How do you ask to give or receive service? What are your “specialities?” This interactive presentation will show your strengths in your life and we will discuss how to conversate about your type of service and needs.
Beast (He/Him) is full of surprises. A Gentleman and a Beast, He’s a Lakota/German, pansexual, polyamorous Leatherman, a Master, a Daddy and puppy. Beast is a biker, musician, and Cigar Daddy. “ “Born and raised in England, echo (she/they) is a pansexual, polyamorous Leatherwoman, slave, switch, little, and kitten. echo enjoys mind-fucks, socio-cultural theory, and crochet. “ “International Master/slave 2022, Beast and echo are raising 3 children in beautiful Colorado with their partner Liv.
It’s no secret that power exchange dynamics can be difficult to build and maintain. The secret often seems to be “why?”. What is it that those in successful dynamics have figured out? Often it comes down to building a solid foundation based on your personal values rather than the contract you found on google or what sounded sexy when you wrote it up. In this class, attendees will have the opportunity to hear both the Master/Dominant and the slave/submissive perspectives on building and adopting a values-based power exchange dynamic. Beast (he/him) and echo (she/her) will discuss the tools and tricks they used to create a strong and sustainable dynamic, as well as many of the ways they found that did not work for them. This class is an interactive discussion, and attendees need not be in any specific dynamic or in any relationship at all to attend and enjoy the class.
Those of us who live with our own mental health challenges are often labeled neurodivergent – meaning we process and respond to situations and information in ways that differ from the norm. For many of us, this divergence can create significant barriers to intimacy and our ability to connect to one another. In this class, Beast and Echo will talk about the way these barriers have impacted their relationship, and the tools and strategies they’ve developed that allow two neurodivergent individuals to create a NeuroConvergent dynamic.
Charlie Doll (he/it/xe) has been a member of the Salt Lake City Leather community since 2017. Charlie Doll is the 2022-2024 Rocky Mountain Person of Leather. He is a boi with varying interests, it most strongly identifies as a slave, a Bimbo, a pony, a sadomasochistic switch, and an age player.
Are you intrigued by the ever-changing landscape of queerness? Have you ever wondered about the significance of new flags and jargon? Maybe you find yourself questioning the relevance of these developments. Do you feel a desire to better understand the multitude of new pronouns? In a world where bridging the generation gap and establishing trust with today's youth can be challenging, how can you ensure a sense of security for your own legacy? In this class, Charlie Doll educates on Neo and Cyber Queer Culture, and will be able to provide you with comprehensive answers to all these pressing questions and more. Through his captivating class, Charlie dives deep into the complexities of these topics, offering valuable insights into Queerness today. Charlie will not only address your concerns but also help you gain an appreciation for the diversity and progress within the Queer community. Get ready for an enlightening journey that will leave you feeling informed, empowered, and deeply connected to the rich tapestry of queer culture!
Modern technology and society have had a substantial impact on our community. Together, we will explore how Master/slave dynamics have evolved, and what characteristics have changed. Some of what we will discuss will include what is a slave in this modern context, how can the institution of consensual slavery fit into modern society, and what unique challenges do M/s dynamics face now, including managing long-distance dynamics. While there are many new challenges to Master/slave relationships, there are also many tools that we have available to help us to navigate them.
Bri Burning (she/they) and Megan (she/her) are two leather people who began building their authority exchange dynamics in 2015. They started their individual journeys in 2010 in the SF Bay Area where they have volunteered, hosted events, and presented a spectrum of classes. Bri serves Megan and is owned by Them in all aspects and has switched in the past. They love getting nerdy about dynamics, neurodiversity, and gender/sexuality spectrums!
Let’s talk about how to prepare for the unexpected! We will go over negotiating being in a relationship with people who are running for a title, have earned a title, and or maybe thinking about the title system. Share stories of the glimmer moments that added joy to our lives and the struggle moments that were hard to move through. This facilitated discussion is an opportunity to share, listen, and grow together. Join us!
Smiling Sadist, long term bodyworker/energy runner who has been in the Leather world since 1990. Leenie began Dancing with Whips in 1998 and has not stopped. She has taught in the US and Canada for over 25 years. Leenie shares her experience in the healing possibilities using energy, vulnerability, laughter & of course Whips! For Leenie, this is a Dance of spirit, mind & body. “Let's revel in the intentions created. Keep Dancing!
In this workshop, you will learn how to use the sexy as hell, straight razor! Tapping into All the senses from the razor gliding across a throat, pussy or ass, hell anywhere on the body, the scents and sound and the intimacy and trust between 2 people as they Dance the razor's edge. Shaving can be fun, sexy and just a little dangerous! Blood optional.
We talk a lot about energy in a scene, but not how to feel it, create it, move it. Bring an item that you like to use on yourself or your partner, and let’s experiment with intentions: catharsis, playing with tension, inviting our partner and ourselves to be in the now. Sometimes learning to feel the present even enables us to release the past, old pain, a limited version of ourselves. Let's open the door to the freedom to BE.
Hosted by the Carter Johnson Library, Crossroads Annex
Domina Alluriah is a mixed race Trans woman who resides on the Gulf Coast. She is the coleader of several groups as well as an active member of several communities where she educates from Florida to Louisiana. She has presented virtually and in person for many events. Her Leather Values center around honesty, integrity, and service to the community. She believes in and encourages visibility and representation for marginalized people and their voices.
Does anal play or anal sex intimidate you? Are you afraid it will hurt ? You’d be surprised how easy those things are to demystify and navigate. Anal play and anal sex can be and is FUN. It feels GOOD. In this class we will talk about preparation, things to consider about rectal health and care, pervertibles, insertables, skin care, and all things anal play related !
MsDDom and CreamDream have lived in an authority dynamic since 2010. Active in the Atlanta BDSM, M/s, and Leather communities, both advocate for BIPOC spaces and are servant leaders for entities like Black Atlanta Munch, Carter/Johnson Library & Collections Atlanta Annex, and Black FemDoms-Atlanta. They also contribute to Black Leather In Color Next Gen magazine. MsDDom and CreamDream travel and share their time with people of various lifestyles across the U.S. and Canada.
Evolution; a process of change. Black, Indigenous, People of Color are not new to the concepts of kink, BDSM, authority dynamics, or Leather. What may be “new” to the community-at-large, is the increased participation of BIPOC folks who are edge players, Masters, slaves, fetishists, educators, and even titleholders. We invite all who want to participate in active discussions about the Evolution of BIPOC folks in the Community to share space with us.
HellOn Heels is a Women in Leather Atlanta (WiLA) member emerging as a fresh leader in Leather. Actively involved in Leather since 2017, she is enthusiastic about ways to make everyday activism and mentorship accessible as a recent law school graduate. “Daddi Cole is an Onyx Pearl (OPSL) who heads LoreHouse and enjoys knifeplay. S/he is a retired Licensed Professional Counselor whose interpersonal classes on safe passage center Queer and BIPOC folks.
Based upon a journal and online self-care discussion series, this class utilizes seven figures for eliciting Radical Contentedness®. Daddi Cole, creator, explains ancient and timeless utilization of each practice, showing how associating each practice with a visual image offers quicker access to it. Presenters demonstrate how, when a hiccup in your day threatens to derail your day, employing mnemonics in the moment can reduce tension and facilitate a more balanced bodymind state.
Hellon Heels and Daddi Cole invite you to our Pervertables "Party" where we explain the benefits of turning everyday, often inexpensive, items into implements for play. Participants will be invited to share any implements they've concocted, and we will demonstrate some devices of our own on audience volunteers who consent (or pre-appointed demo bottoms).
Host: The Leather Solidarity Collective
Panelists: Daddi Cole, Joy Perez, Daddy Rod, Master Retro Bella
Moderators: Master Daddy Zulu, Master Kaddan
Since the mid-70′s Hardy has been an active in the leather community as a gay activist, author & speaker on aspects of the SM/Leather scene. “ “He is author of several books including, Playing with the Family Jewels, Soul of a Second Skin and Shouts in the Wilderness as well as a contributor to the Dallas Voice newspaper and Drummer Magazine His documentary on the leather lifestyle “LEATHER” has won numerous awards and appeared in festivals around the world. “ “The recipient of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Leather Leadership Award, he was also awarded NLAI’s Man Of The Year award in 1999 and in 2007 he was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Leather Association International. His other awards include the Marcus Hernandez Lifetime Achievement Award from Pantheon of leather and the Jack McGeorge Educator Award from MsC.. “ “Hardy is Chair of the board of the Woodhull Action Fund in Washington, DC. Since April, 1995, he and his boy Patrick have been living together in Dallas.
The Old Guard Myth was that all players start as bottoms or boys and work their way to the Top. Not true, but there is a good deal to be learned by bottoming. How can I understand what my partners feel if I haven't at least tried it myself? This class will offer suggestions for Tops who want to better understand their actions and for anyone interested in how the dynamics of BDSM work. Discussion and participation are included.
Hosted by the Carter Johnson Library, Crossroads Annex
Many in our community carry anxiety, stress and fear, escalated post November 5th. This community discussion, led by prominent leaders in the Leather, BDSM and M/s Communities, offers a place of solidarity where we can share our thoughts, fears and as a community, what actions we might take to support and protect each other. We've been here before, we know what to do and we can do it again. Please join us for this SPLF Opening Summit and add your voice as we come together and speak about how we will use our community force to not only survive, but thrive in the coming challenging years.
A Husband, Dog Dad, Caregiver, Educator, Producer, Model, Advocate, Switch, Leatherman, Kinkster and FFister with a Salt and Pepper beard that will tickle the ecstasies of your nether regions. Co-Founder and former co-owner of FFeral Guys Dallas, Founder of Team Friendly DFW, Former Tally Master of ILSb-ICBB, Former President of Dallas Bears, current Mentor of the Dallas Mentors Program, current Board Member of ONYX Lone Star and author of absolutely nothing, Yet!
Discussion on Aging Male Kinksters dealing with the Dysmorphia of Erectile Dysfunction.
Daddy Rod co-founded the ONYX Mid-Atlantic Chapter, where he served as President, and later as Pledge Master. Daddy Rod was the Leatherman of Color 2011 and American Leatherman 2017. He is an alumnus of the MTTA 2008 Masters’ Training, and was a judge for several contests. Daddy Rod has won two Pantheon of Leather awards (2014 Northeast Regional Award and 2018 Man of the Year). His kink fetishes include spanking, ass play, flogging and fisting.
A belt, a brush, a hand, even a paddle. Any one of these items can be used to bring a pleasurable, even intense, form of Kink Play...if you know how. Join us for an informative and fun interactive workshop, where we'll cover topics including pre- and after-care; different toys to use; and how to take your "play pal" on a ride of their lives. (Time permitting, audience members may even get to experience the process!)
I have been involved with the Leather and Kink communities for over a decade, and have done many presentations. Because of my race, sexuality, and/or HIV status people are intrigued, fascinated by, and even invested in my struggles and pain. It's time for that same energy to be invested in my joys. With this interactive dialogue, you will also (re)connect with the joy of being fully who you are.
Host: The Leather Solidarity Collective
Panelists: Daddi Cole, Joy Perez, Daddy Rod, Master Retro Bella
Moderators: Master Daddy Zulu, Master Kaddan
Join Daddy Rod for a cigar and a bourbon if you like and listen to his tales from his life as co-founder the ONYX Mid-Atlantic Chapter, Leatherman of Color 2011 and American Leatherman 2017.
Friday 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM in the Cigar Lounge
Daesha is a Mexican & Japanese American Leathergirl based in LA/OC California, avid volunteer facilitating community events since 2017, and lifestyle participant since 2006. Currently serves as C.O.O for SAKE (SoCal Asian Kink Events, Est. 2014), Scholarship Chair for the Leather Leadership Conference. Frequent panelist for discussions on BIPOC & AAPI Inclusivity, and Designer for various kink organizations; Ambassador Director for Leather Solidarity Collective 2021; Keynote Speaker; Award recipient for LSC's Award of Excellence 2022; and Published Op-ed for the National Leather Association’s Magazine, Fall Edition 2022.
This seminar seeks to explore Leather History through a different perspective while taking a walk through Japanese American Tragedy, internment, silencing, and generational trauma. Leather is not only important to identity and sexual rebellion, but also in reclaiming our stories and historical roots as a means of healing and liberating our voices to build the representation we seek in our own communities. Following the presentation, we will have a casual fireside forum with featured guests.
Lady Catherine (she/her) produces the longest running exploratory weekend seminar for service-orientated s-types. Servant’s Retreat focuses on sustaining healthy power dynamic relationships by strengthening personal foundations. She serves Leather Archives and Museum on its executive board (10+ years), produces SouthEast LeatherFest (SELF), is a F.I.S.T. (women’s backpatch club) co-coordinator. She co-founded Women’s Leather History Project/Program. She is a MCC coach, a founding BCC coach, and has chosen to serve alternative communities.
How many skills have you learned? How many skills do you believe you may need to learn? Our young community has developed a social context and knowledge management schemata which may come with emotional hazards. We're going to explore the darker side of our need to learn, our pursuit of better, best, more, to the detriment of ourselves and our relationships. Are we concentrically consumed or fully exploring vitality?
We have our first family and are born into it-- when you deliberately create a family the concerns and contributions can be intentional and organic. We'll discuss what works, what doesn't, and how families are formed. Families shift, change, and become something new over time-- how do you move in it and keep your focus honed on sustaining what is valuable to you and others? We will discuss spectacular and painful experiences not only synergetic union. Come explore the infinite possibilities of families.
I am a Lifestyle Domme, owner of D&S Lifestyles, ordained minister, counselor, consultant and certified Master Hypnotherapist. I believe in holistic healing of mind, body and spirit. I was the leader of P.E.P., created People Exchanging Power for People of Color, founded Onyx Pearls Southeast and was Ms. Southern Coastal States Leather 2000-2012. My personal commitment is to help make this community better and stronger and continue Jill Carter’s philosophy “Each One, Teach One”
What is Female Mastery and what does it take to be a Female Master? How do you identify your role and how do others identify you? What attributes should a Female Master have? Maneuvering in a male-dominated world can be challenging until we learn how to master ourselves through our Divine Feminine Power. This class is for all who self-identify as a Female Master or have the desire to become one.
In an M/s relationship for over 22 years, Liza and her slave, Jody, (IMs 2011) produce events, judge, keynote, and teach extensively, receiving numerous awards, including MAST’s 2012 Presenter of the Year. Liza came to power at Woodstock. Jody came out as leatherdyke and slave in 1980, founding Leather and Lace, an early LA women's leather group. They’re members of Portland Bad Girls, SF Exiles and are founding members of LTHR (Long Term Hierarchical Relationships.) Liza (International Master 2011) came to power at Woodstock and has been kinky since. She is a member of Portland Bad Girls, SF Exiles and is a founding member of LTHR (Long Term Hierarchical Relationships). She has always been interested in teaching and training. Her pupils have been horses, dogs, dolphins, children and inmates. Liza has received numerous awards, including MAsT International’s 2012 Presenter of the Year, co-held with her slave, Jody. Liza’s slave, Jody, (International slave 2011) came out as a leatherdyke and slave in 1980 in LA, founding Leather and Lace, an early women's leather group. She is a member of Portland Bad Girls, SF Exiles and a founding member of LTHR (Long Term Hierarchical Relationships). Jody has taught in the US and abroad, and has received numerous awards, including MAST International’s 2012 Presenter of the Year, co-held with her Mistress, Liza.
Navigating a successful M/s relationship can be tricky when the M-type and the s-type have different cultural backgrounds and approach life from sometime opposing spiritual contexts. This can lead to confusion and mismatched expectations. The discussion will start here and we will see where it goes.
Dominant, Mommy, Daddy, Queer, Femme, badass sex and BDSM educator/coach, Felice Shays swoons at people’s sexual, physical and emotional risks. Based in Brooklyn, Felice has presented at countless events across North America for umpteen years. She believes in love, respect, power, playing hard, laughing harder, making out, and having conversations that scare us. Felice is also quite fond of a filthy fuck, grammar, old dogs, brass knuckles, and revolution. Not always in that order.
Hungry. Hard. Deep. Mean. This sex is not for beginners. This fast-paced, demo-packed, interactive class is one of sex and BDSM educator Felice Shays’ favorites. First, some rough sex and safety basics. And then let’s go: discussion, technique and demos: face slapping, punching, biting, humiliation, fucking with knives, choking, playing with power + fear, pissing in your favorite hole, kicking, forced blow jobs, rape, gang bangs and more. All passions and sides of the slash welcome.
Struggling with parts of your Power Exchange in the sex dept? You’re not alone. This raunchy femme’s got you! With humor, affection and straight talk, Felice will hands-on address your bedroom and dungeon real-life rough sex + power dilemmas: being stuck in predictable routines, D/s, role or desire predicaments, pain, fear. Couples, triads, solos - write your questions anonymously or ask them aloud. Just you and Felice…and the class supporting, laughing, learning. Voyeurs welcome. No Judgment.
When regular fisting ain’t enough. Whether you give or receive, someone's hand disappearing into a cunt or ass is a powerful thing. With her trademark straight talk, humor and respect, Felice is going to fill some holes. Yes…demos. Start: Anatomy + logistics: safety, body positions, lube, communication Continue: Hole-filling basics: roadblocks, lube, headspace. Finish: how the big kids play: double fisting, fisting in suspension, fisting front and back doors simultaneously. All holes welcome.
The DFW Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have been served in the DFW and greater North Texas community since 2010. As a modern, communal order of 21st century queer nuns, we work to fulfill our vows to promulgate omniversal joyand expiate stigmatic guilt. We do this through public manifestation and habitual perpetration.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and the leather/BDSM community have worked together since our founding in 1979. Join the Sisters as we manifest, talk about our history and how we work with the leather/BDSM community to promulgate omniversal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt. Don't worry, we'll leave the glitter at home.
Hexxx (She/They) is an eleventeen foot tall, (allegedly) sassy, Leatherwoman whose greatest interests include torturing others who ask for it and whose kinks are education and Leather History; especially Black Leather History. She is also an award winning public speaker. “ “Hexxx has been an active community service member in the Reno area for a little over 8 years. She founded KinkEdNV, an education facilitation group in Northern Nevada in 2019.
One of the core characteristics of Leather History is rebellion. This presentation will cover the presence of Women in Leather, from Leather dykes to Femmes and all female identifying people in between throughout history in the U.S.
Joy Perez, of House of CHAOS, is a covered Leather bratty switch who challenges societal norms and misconceptions. As board president at Central Texas Pride Community Center she advocates for the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Her dedication to inclusivity extends further as a board member of CTX Darkside and LgOC, fostering community growth within the Leather community through her multifaceted roles and passionate advocacy.
There's still a lot of stigma surrounding brats and their behaviors. In this class, we will take a deep dive into the motivations behind bratting behavior. If you're looking for tips and tricks, this isn't the class for you. But if you're ready for deep self-reflection and peer support discussion, come with an open mind and be prepared to self-actualize!
Joy is dedicated to creating visibility for Switches, recognizing their unique, often unmet needs. Switches are welcomed in s-type spaces but can feel ostracized by the D-type community. Join this round table discussion to support one another and open the dialogue about what Switches need to further their journey and education.
Host: The Leather Solidarity Collective
Panelists: Daddi Cole, Joy Perez, Daddy Rod, Master Retro Bella
Moderators: Master Daddy Zulu, Master Kaddan
Lolita discovered the BDSM scene back when “online” meant the phone sex lines. Has presented workshops, given keynote speeches, emceed and judged contests for organizations and events across the country. Emeritus Board Member TES, former Chair LSM. Proud honorary member GMSMA, a founding board member LLC, NLA Intl. Lifetime Achievement Award, and 2 Pantheon Awards. First International Little Miss Littles. Writing: On Our backs, Prometheus, Ultimate Guide To Kink. Program Director Dark Odyssey Fusion.
Learn impact scene dynamics starting with negotiation, warm up, reading the bottom, communication, safety and aftercare. How to pick implements and take care of them. Perfecting accuracy, intensity and connection for a great scene. How to be sensuous and erotic and/or brutal. How to have the stamina to outlast piggy bottoms. Bring your toys because this is a hands-on class!
Bondage is the most popular form of CBT. This will be a hands-on class where you will learn a variety of ways to tie the family jewels. I’ll bring the materials you will need; you bring a partner! You’ll see how well they respond to having their cock and balls restrained, stretched and manipulated. If you are single, show up anyway and we will try to match people up.
Age Play is fantasy role play where the reality of your and your partner's (or partners') age and/or gender does not matter. We are talking about consenting adults here - this is not about pedophilia! Age play can be for a scene or can be incorporated into a 24/7 relationship. It might include sex, D/s SM or not. Come and learn how to be a kid again! Or how to relate to someone who likes to be a kid!
Mara is a genderqueer, Leather Slave, and sadomasochist who has been part of the community for over 30 years. They are currently serving their community as your International Person of Leather 2024. Mara strives to be a kind and loving bulldozer, nudging our community towards living up to the Leather community values of inclusivity, service and integrity, while pushing aside outdated norms that stand in our way of growth.
Being a Slave is a matter of soul, not just about wearing someone’s collar. If Slavehood is your primary identity, why should that change if we are single? What tools can we employ to continue our journeys and personal growth as Slaves? How can we find healthy ways to get service fixes without being taken advantage of? The path of the ronin is a solitary one, but it doesn’t have to be lonely or unfulfilling.
Many people in the community have gravitated to the less judgment-based motto RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) vs SSC (Safe Sane Consensual). From traditional edge play, CNC dynamics, and even rope suspensions, we understand that nothing we do is inherently safe. So how can we effectively negotiate and develop a personal risk profile to allow us to engage in these activities? In this class, we will explore how to understand and mitigate risk, how to negotiate consent for activities where a black/white consent model doesn't work, and how to build a R.I.S.C profile to help navigate the exhilarating, dangerous, and oh-so rewarding, edgier types of play.
Many in our community carry anxiety, stress and fear, escalated post November 5th. This community discussion, led by prominent leaders in the Leather, BDSM and M/s Communities, offers a place of solidarity where we can share our thoughts, fears and as a community, what actions we might take to support and protect each other. We've been here before, we know what to do and we can do it again. Please join us for this SPLF Opening Summit and add your voice as we come together and speak about how we will use our community force to not only survive, but thrive in the coming challenging years.
Marilyn and Rio are Northwest Master/slave 2023. Marilyn is a sadist with an intense blood lust and Rio is a service-oriented butch leatherdyke. Marilyn and Rio have judged, emceed, and tallied at numerous contests, and have presented at NWLC, SELF, SWLC, IMsLBB, LLC, the Exiles, and more. Their home club is the Exiles SF, where they spent many years as officers. They are active in MAsT SF, where Marilyn is the Director.
It hurts so good! If you get hot watching and causing agony and discomfort, this class is for you. We’ll demonstrate many different ways to cause pain, how pain can enhance D/s, using pain for pleasure, hurting safely, marking or not, helping masochists take more, and aftercare. Come share your tips and tricks with the rest of us; experienced and novice players welcome, demos will be somewhat advanced and may include blood play.
Join Moderator Master Retro Bella, 2024 International Master, along with panelists Madame Navia, Mrs. Dee Supreme, Marilyn Hollinger and Ms Rhonda for an empowering panel on the current state of Women Leadership in 2024. This session is open to all Women, nonbinary individuals in Women-focused spaces,and allies. Together, we'll explore how Women are reshaping authority in kink and everyday life, overcoming internal struggles,and breaking societal expectations.This is your opportunity to connect, share, and leave with the tools to find your own path towards power.
Mark Athens is a queer, poly, Leatherman who heads a Master\slave household that focuses on personal growth, exploration, and service. He has been a part of the Leather community since 2015 and is well sought after both locally and nationally as an edge play kink educator. Athens is a member of Consent Kansas City, Alternative Human Sexuality (AHS), Kansas City Ballroom, 13th Floor Dungeon and serves as your Mr. Route 66 2022.
Rope, chains, and Zip ties are fun, but barbed wire excites me! This class is Centered around barbed wire edge play and the many twisted pleasures it can provide both the top and the bottom. Attendees will have an opportunity to explore barbed wire bondage and impact play, with a dynamic instructor who has a strong focus on safety. Come out and let's get twisted together!
Master Jim and slave Marsha, International Master/slave 2001, have been together since 1997 presenting seminars and weekend programs on Master/slave relationships across the U.S. and Canada since beginning of their relationship. They were two of the owners of South Plains Leatherfest-International Master/slave weekend and owners of the International Master/slave title contest held at South Plains from 2002 to 2022. They were recipients of the Jack Stice Memorial Award in 2006 and the Guy Baldwin Master/slave Heritage Award in 2011.
Master Jim and slave marsha trace the winding, rocky, path of their 27+ year M/s journey. Beginning with the new Master and slave who began in 1997 without experience or resources. They discuss the foundation they built and their responds to M/s life challenges as the relationship matured. Finally, they share their experience when confronting the abyss and the death of what was and the resurrection of what now is.
Master Leather Redux is your friendly leather lesbian from the 90s. Master Leather has taught across the US in person and virtually for large conferences such as Kinky Kollege, TESFest, SouthEast LeatherFest, LSC's Uprise! and Naughty Revival. “ “Master Leather is a co-director of MAsT: Chicago and one of the original founders of the Leather Solidarity Collective. She is also a co-founder of House Kampilan which celebrates education, community and her indigenous heritage.
While this pairing may seem odd to some, impact and hypnosis can create some deep and interesting scenes when combined together. It is not like the movie "Get Out"or some Scooby Doo scenario - - you will not do something that you do not want to. When you consent to a suggestion and add impact to it, the subspace and top space high is deeper and there is a greater connection.
Neko, a Ludar, bisexual, polyamorous, pagan, leatherman, and head of Blood and Ice House, has owned koneko, a bi, poly, leather pagan, for 23 years. Neko co-chaired NLA-Dallas. koneko did education. Neko led BV Security. koneko did workshops. They’ve co-produced contests, staffed Dallas Sanctuary, and ran groups. Currently, Neko leads MAsT: Dallas. koneko is Education Director of MAsT International. They’re SPLF staff, produce the Texas M/s Contest and co-own the Mentors Programs with slave raven.
Unleash your creativity and sharpen your rope skills in this dynamic, hands-on class where you’ll face unexpected challenges and think on your feet! From blindfolded ties to slippery bottoms, this session is all about adapting your technique in fun, inventive ways and quick in a hurry! Materials Needed: At least 4 hanks of rope (preferably natural, such as jute or hemp) that are about 25-30 feet long and 5-6 mm in width, a blindfold, and a consenting bottom!
Come test your knowledge and learn fascinating facts about leather's legacy, iconic figures, and significant milestones. Compete for fun prizes while enjoying a lively, interactive experience. Perfect for both leather enthusiasts and curious newcomers! Even if you know nothing about leather, this is a fun way to learn!
Master Malcolm entered the lifestyle in 2007 and began an amazing journey of personal growth, Mastery and Leather. Malcolm has had the honor of teaching classes on Power Exchange dynamics, play techniques, and scene creation at amazing groups around the country. “ “Farrah Bonnot, MS, LPC: Farrah is a therapist and sex educator and member of the kink, LGBTQIA+, and polyamorous communities, who combines extensive education in the field of mental health with lived experience in kink, power exchange and ethical non-monogamy.
You met the person of your dreams! You want to take control of or surrender to them. It should be easy right?! You both want the same thing, but now you are having the same fight over control and power every three months. Why? Why won’t they just take it? Why won’t they just give it?! Through a combination of theoretical exploration, case studies, personal anecdotes, and experiential exercises, participants will gain the insights and tools necessary to navigate complex power struggles and conflict within Power Exchange relationships to help stop having the same fight every three months.
This thought-provoking presentation explores codependency in Power Exchange and kink. Codependency is a complex pattern of interaction that can occur in any type of relationship, but due to the power imbalance in Power Exchange and cultural context of the kink community, can be particularly difficult to navigate.
"Master PlaineJane is a Queer Covered Leather Master who has been active in the BDSM and Leather Lifestyle community for more than fifteen years. Master PlaineJane is the Director and Organizer of MAsT: Marietta Women and Founder and Owner of F.L.A.I.R. (Female Led Authority Inspired Relationships). She is also the Chair of the Leather Leadership Conference (LLC). Her area of interest and experience includes service, domination and discipline, impact play, dragon's tails and whips, high protocol, power exchange from both sides of the slash, humiliation & degradation, taboo play, chemical play, genitorture and of course an alluring love of control."
Taboo play can provide rich and robust experiences that allow one's fantasies to flourish. But navigating the delicate balance of consent and the forbidden can be a challenging but intriguing paradox. It is that paradox which Master PlaineJane will uncover as she provides an enticing journey into taboo play. This Intensive is not for the faint of heart as Master PlaineJane will delve into different types and expressions of taboo play to include; religious, dark age, integration, objectification, degradation and humiliation play. She will also discuss the core values that can be utilized for effective taboo scenes. Along with powerful demonstrations, Master PlaineJane will discuss the emotional requirements for playing with taboos and degradation play safely; without emotional damage to your partner(s).
Join Master PlaineJane for a discussion on control and the power of conditioning within Authority Exchange dynamics. Master PlaineJane will discuss the importance of positive and healthy consensual conditioning as well as how to inspire and nurture the desire for control in dynamics. She will also explore some ideas for new and existing partnership structures that can be leveraged for long term success. Join Master PlaineJane for an in-depth discussion on nurturing the love of control…for both sides of the slash!
Understanding yourself is extremely important in any relationship building. And coming to the table already self-aware and able to communicate your needs, wants, and desires is not only an attractive characteristic in a partner but also a valuable one. So how do we communicate our personal standards, skills and core values to prospective partners? Join Master PlaineJane as she discusses Lifestyle Resumes, Owner’s Manuals & Service Plans. Master PlaineJane will cover the purpose, uses, types, as well as options for communicating your personal standards, core values, and skill set(s). She will discuss how both partners (no matter how they identify) can prepare themselves and their prospective partners for their personal standards with clarity and deliberate execution.
Master Retro Bella (She/Her) and her slave boy drake (he/him) serve as your 2024 International Master and slave. Master Retro Bella, a Latina, Master, and Leather Woman, and her slave boydrake, a transman, slave, and Leather boy, have been dedicated to raising awareness and acceptance of neurodivergent pairings, Latinx and Transgender issues within the community. Together they’ve taught for multiple groups and conferences on both coasts, in the Rocky Mountain region, and internationally.
Too many times we hear about members of the Ms community not being welcome at conferences, events, meetings, or play spaces due to their ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, gender identity, socioeconomic status. We are a family and we need to support others. There is hope that we can find ways to create inclusivity at our events. Offering diverse classes, gender neutral bathrooms, safety measures so that everyone feels safe at an event, and so much more. We can work together to create a community where everyone feels seen, heard, and respected.
Host: The Leather Solidarity Collective
Panelists: Daddi Cole, Joy Perez, Daddy Rod, Master Retro Bella
Moderators: Master Daddy Zulu, Master Kaddan
Join Moderator Master Retro Bella, 2024 International Master, along with panelists Madame Navia, Mrs. Dee Supreme, Marilyn Hollinger and Ms Rhonda for an empowering panel on the current state of Women Leadership in 2024. This session is open to all Women, nonbinary individuals in Women-focused spaces,and allies. Together, we'll explore how Women are reshaping authority in kink and everyday life, overcoming internal struggles,and breaking societal expectations.This is your opportunity to connect, share, and leave with the tools to find your own path towards power.
Many in our community carry anxiety, stress and fear, escalated post November 5th. This community discussion, led by prominent leaders in the Leather, BDSM and M/s Communities, offers a place of solidarity where we can share our thoughts, fears and as a community, what actions we might take to support and protect each other. We've been here before, we know what to do and we can do it again. Please join us for this SPLF Opening Summit and add your voice as we come together and speak about how we will use our community force to not only survive, but thrive in the coming challenging years.
Master Thaddeus Twist is a graduate of the 2018 Austin Mentorship Program. Heartland Person of Leather alum. He is the patriarch of The House of Twisted Creations, where family, education and community are priorities. He serves the community by participating in councils, panels, mentoring, demos, outreach and classes. Currently, he is focusing on developing and refining presentations, where he focuses on the principles of “each one, teach one” and “iron sharpens iron”.
What do you think about when it comes to choosing a bottom, submissive or slave is it often in the sexual/ pleasure realm? But what about outside those scenarios? This class delves into the multifaceted roles that bottoms, submissives and slaves can play in our lives beyond sexual service. We’ll explore their potential contributions, skill and qualities that enrich relationships, dynamics and daily life. Join us to discuss how to harness their full potential.
Mister-Blue, along with his slave and wife Mrs. BlueFrost, was the 2017 Northeast Master/slave titleholder, and the 2018 and 2021 International Master/slave titleholders. Mister-Blue is the Vice President of MTTA. Mrs. BlueFrost serves on the board of MTTA and serves on the staff of the Master/slave Conference (MsC) where she first embraced her slave identity and found her power in service. They are the Master and Lady of the House of Blue. They both speak and teach regularly the value of Authority Exchange relationships, as they strive to serve the Leather community with excellence.
There are five phases of relationships, and your M/s dynamic is not exempt. In this discussion, we will identify and define the five phases. We will also share tools to help determine which phase of the relationship you are currently in, and how to seek support during each phase to maintain a healthy relationship cycle. We will share our thoughts on how to promote longevity in your dynamic, from making a conscious effort to take things slowly, and knowing when to say when we'll discuss ways to identify what does or does not work for you and your partner(s). This discussion will be one you don’t want to miss.
A decade and counting. The seasoned dynamic, when you’ve fallen into a comfortable pattern, what makes the plateau pleasurable? Understanding when and how to relish your accomplishments and when comfort becomes stagnant.
Hosted by the Carter Johnson Library, Crossroads Annex
Master Trent began his kink/leather journey in 1983, and slave kelly in 1994. They have been together since 2008. Both identify as poly, pansexual, leatherfolk. Appearing to be a het couple, they often tell people; “Let’s get one thing straight…we aren’t.” Since she identifies as a boy (and a butler), they have a mix of Master/slave AND Daddy/boy dynamics in their personal relationship. They currently produce the Southwest Master/slave regional contest.
In a M/s dynamic it is often difficult for a Master to find the balance between control and compassion. Even in high-level authority exchange relationships there needs to be an understanding that "everything" can't fall on the shoulders of the slave, well, at least not for very long. How do we adjust roles and tasks to maximize quality time and balance.
Master Varii is an Indigenous covered Leather Woman and SE Master 2022 & 2023. She leads a highly diverse Leather House of leaders on both sides of the slash, mentors, and teaches both online and in person nationally. She has served on numerous boards, and currently serves on the board of the Leather Leadership Conference. Master Varii and her slave also serve the community as the curators and stewards of the Leather Quilt
Most people are well acquainted with authority transfer dynamics and have lived them all their lives, they just haven't thought of them as such. A Parent/child, Teacher/student, Employer/employee, and Military service are all examples of authority transfer dynamics, so what makes the reality of M/s so difficult to accept? Two things: History and Social Conditioning. We will look at what M/s is from our perspective and debunk a few myths.
Mxster Mita (they/them) is a multi-ethnic, non-binary Leather Fairy who merges SM, sexuality, and spirituality. As a radically queer anarchist, they oppose heteronormativity, blending spirituality with BDSM to create a unique counter-culture. Mita leads House Anchor, co-produces Ritual Steel, and volunteers at various events. Through MitaBear Consulting, they support Leather and LGBTQ events nationwide, fostering inclusivity and growth within these communities.
Welcome to a journey from the crossroads of self-discovery. In this workshop, we explore how BDSM dynamics challenge emotional, spiritual, and physical limits, offering profound insights into our core selves. We delve into how BDSM practices provide a language to express gender identities beyond the binary, illuminating personal narratives and reflective insights that highlight BDSM's transformative power in understanding and expressing Gender-Diverse identities.
Ms. Kelly and boi Di have served their community as members of community boards, club Presidents, organizing parties, conferences, clubs, and discussion groups. Ms. Kelly co-founded Leather Reign in 2007. Together they are Northwest Master and slave 2017. They have taught workshops in United States and Canada. Ms. Kelly and boi Di have taught at NWLC, SWLC, SELF, Kinkfest, Northern Exposure, MsC Worldwide and M/s Gathering.
Integrity is one of the most misunderstood and misused words in our culture. This discussion will focus on integrity in the context of our relationships. We explore the myths and why it is so important. There is an exercise that can be used to identify what values are core to personal integrity. Finally, we will discuss the cost of compromising integrity.
Mufasa Ali has been a dedicated member of the leather community for more than 30 years! He is the founder of the Men of ONYX, ONYX National Council Chairman Emeritus, Patriarch of Mufasa's Pride, Leather History Preservation Foundation founding Board Member, Mr World Leather 2006/2007 and the ONYX Leatherman 1997. Mufasa has received many awards including the Pantheon of Leather Marcus Hernandez Lifetime Achievement Award, the Chuck Windemuth Mentorship Award at Mr. Chicago Leather Weekend, the Vi Johnson Community Leadership Award and the BlackBeat Leadership Award. He is the founder of the People of Color Caucus at IML & BlackBeat, the Leatherman and Leatherwoman of Color titles and a nationally known leather community speaker and educator/presenter on such topics as People of Color in Leather, Impact play, Leather Family, Leather Protocol, Spirituality & BDSM, Community Leadership and Diversity. Mufasa is a Husband, Daddy, Dad, Papa, Sir, Son and Brother to his leather family and honors them as his village of support.
From its inception in 1995, ONYX has established itself as the premier national organization formed and operated by men of color who identify with and are active in the leather community. This workshop will explore the ways that ONYX has mixed it up and helped create further diversity within the leather and BDSM community by providing safe spaces for erotic and sexual exploration, education a nd empowerment for gay and misexual men of color; helped men of color connect to and make an impact on the larger leather community; instituted the ONYX Pearls (women of color in leather); and promote discussions on the visibility, challenges and other issues that people of color in the leather community face.
The joys of co-topping! Why stop with just one? If given the opportunity having two tops in a scene brings a merged richness of personality and skills. We will discuss experiences, demo live and give examples of ways this kind of scene can leave a bottom craving for more and forge new partnerships, creativity and connection for the scene tops.
Sir Andrew and Tidbit are a North Carolina based Daddy boy couple with shared interests in spanking, leather, and bootblacking. Sir Andrew is proud to be Mr SELF 2024 and Tidbit was proud to serve as SELF Bootblack 2018. They are passionate about teaching, good bourbon, and each other.
In this class we discuss several types of edge play that contain intense elements of fear, humiliation, and suffering. We will talk about the historical context, pitfalls and dangers, and how to play with the outer fringes of the mind while keeping you and your partners safe. *Viewer discretion advised, this class contains extremely sensitive subjects*
Come see the sexy side of shining boots. We'll discuss the erotic properties of bootblacking and how to take those skills from the stand to the dungeon or bedroom. Come see us get hot and greasy!
A social justice activist for more than 20 years, Q consistently strives to bring together the various communities to which he belongs. Q is a self-identified queer, gender-independent, sex worker, actively and ethically non-monogamous/polyamorous, sex-positive, leather boi, and pleasure professional. It’s well known that flirting is Q’s default mode of communication. He can often be found with a charming smile on his face or looking mischievous with the other bois.
An evolving class around types of service, classic butler, and valet archetypes.
Sir Edgar and Raven are a M/s couple from Northern New Jersey They have been in a monogamous 24/7 M/s dynamic for over 7 years. They are the 2019 North East Master/slave title holders. “ “Sir Edgar began his journey in the BDSM lifestyle early 1990’s in Northern Jersey and NYC. He is an educator and Graduate of MTTA “ “Raven is the property of Sir Edgar. She is a Lifestyle Business owner, Educator, Advocate, Abuse Survivor, and slave. With over 20 years in the lifestyle slave raven is also a graduate MTTA. They are the founders and Directors of MAsT Clifton
Want to learn about the violet wand? The history, and the current uses. This is the class for you, we will go over basic safety of the wand and the fun you can have. We will talk about consent and how to start a scene
How do you use a flogger in a violet wand scene. This is a 301 violet wand class.
Sir Guy (He/Him) is a covered Master, lifestyle Dominant Leatherman, an educator, author, and activist. International Power Exchange 2013 titleholder, Head of the House of the Black Panther, he has been recipient of the 2023 Master Jack McGeorge Excellence in Education Award, the 2020 TES Founders' Award, the Leather Solidarity Collective Sir Leon Strange Award, the 2014 Beyond Leather Community Achievement Award,and the 2020 MAsT International Presenter of the Year Award among others.
Contrary to the novels, movies, and rumors, one doesn't have to be rich or laden with gear to enjoy a good scene. Sir Guy is going demonstrate how there are plenty of things, from spanking to sensory stimulation, from the sensuous to the sadistic, that can be done with the hands alone that can bring about a mutually satisfying experience. This class is hands on and encourages audience participation!
South Plains Leatherfest has, in most recent years, been described as a wonderful Leather family gathering. Leatherfolk from around the country and even around the world all come together to fellowship, play, be entertained, and enjoy each other's company. But, as in the case with most families, there can be internal issues that sometimes are overlooked, or that cannot be overlooked. Recent events politically and otherwise have put a strain on our familial relationships. To this end, Sir Guy from the Dark Lair, along with Master Lola Smiles and Goddess Indigo have put together this conversation, “The Talk - The Conversation BIPOC Folk Need to Have“ to have an open conversation about the things that unite us, and the things that divide us, and to iron out our differences in the sincere hope that we can be united in our fight to bring about safe spaces and welcoming arms to all in the BIPOC Communities. As Malcolm X said, "You can't separate peace from freedom. No one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." This conversation is about helping us acquire what Leather is all about: our peace and our freedom, so this is exclusively for those who openly identify as being BIPOC. BIPOC Family, please join the discussion.
Sir Teryn is a Queer, non-binary, homoflexible, genderfluid butch whose pronouns are whatever you want. Service is not only one of Sir Teryn's love languages, it is also part of their spiritual calling. For them, there is no greater honor than to serve their community, and in turn their Gods. “ “Sir Teryn began their BDSM/Leather journey in 2011 graduating from the Dallas Mentors Program and has developed a lasting connection to the Dallas/Ft. Worth kink community as both a leader and educator. Sir Teryn served as DM coordinator for DFW Diverse Interest Kinksters, was a founding member and leader of Plano Area Kinksters and Keepers of the Sacred Flame working to build the fire community in N. Dallas creating safety policies and practices for Sanctuary for the Lifestyle Arts. Sir Teryn has served NLA-Dallas as Secretary and is a former Co-Director for Beyond Vanilla. “ “Sir Teryn teaches courses on fire play, energy work in BDSM, disability in Kink, the art of bastinado (foot torture) and paganism and kink.
Bastinado is the delightful and sadistic torture of one of the most vulnerable parts of our bodies…our feet! Through the use of canes and regular household implements, a top can set fire to their bottom in ways they will remember with every step they take. We will look at the history of bastinado and its uses through time and look at how it has evolved into a fun and enjoyable kink. Lastly, we will cover in a live demo, the tools, and tricks to make bastinado a memorable time for everyone.
Toni Solenne is the recipient of the 2015 Female Leathertarian Award and 2016 Mid-Atlantic Pantheon of Leather Award. She produces six Women of Drummer regionals around the world, and one large leather family event called the Women of Drummer Contest Weekend every year. Toni has published two books, Women in Leather and Leather Journal. She is the Senior Scholar-in-Residence at the Carter-Johnson Library and host of the Radical Rhythm Podcast and Voyage of Desire TV show.
A thought-provoking workshop immersing ourselves within the intersection of power and emotion. We'll uncover how emotions influence and potentially may disrupt our power dynamics. Additionally, this workshop will provide practical tips for improving self-awareness and fostering healthier relationships by managing emotions effectively. This comprehensive exploration aims to equip participants with a deeper understanding and actionable strategies for personal and relational growth.
Hiya, Libertines! I’m Amanda Wolf. I’m a sex and relationship coach. For real! What a dreamy job, right?! I’ve been doing that via counseling, corporate training, and personal coaching for 25+ years. I’ve been polyamorous and kinky all my life, but I didn’t discover the scene until 2017. Many less fortunate people have to choose between authenticity and community. How fortunate are we to have such a rich, connected community to share ourselves (and our freak flags) fully?!
Negotiating humiliation play is a landmine in itself! How do I degrade you, keep you erotically charged, and avoid your real life landmines? If you know your bottom’s love languages and their specific currency, you can design scenes to specifically target emotional, physical, or existential masochism. We will do practical exercises to help tops and bottoms determine what kind of activities highlight which sadistic and masochistic experiences they want to have.
SpankCake (she/her) is an Asian American service-oriented Leather babygirl from Los Angeles and is the current International Ms. Bootblack. In addition, she is the Executive Director of, a non-profit organization that provides support, education, and advocacy for bootblacks. SpankCake has written for various organizations including the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom and was recently featured in the July 2024 issue of Black Leather in Color.
Join us for an innovative class exploring the connection between Korean skincare and bootblacking! This hands-on session simplifies bootblacking using familiar skincare steps. Bring a clean face and a dirty boot, and learn techniques while enjoying the process. Samples and basic supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own bootblacking and skincare kits. Let's get ready together, combining self-care and craftsmanship for a unique experience! No bootblacking experience, necessary.
Viola Johnson is a leatherwoman, activist, motivational speaker and author who has been active in the leather BDSM scene for well over four decades. Vi has served as a mentor to countless individuals, and was dubbed “Mom” by several generations of Leathermen and women. She is the Owner and Senior Griot of the Carter/Johnson Library and Collection, a compilation of over 15,000 books, periodicals, posters and other art, newsletters, and ephemera documenting the history of SM/Leather/Kink from early drawings documenting human sexuality to the present day.
Stories from our elders are so precious and this intimate time with Mama Vi is just that opportunity. Come listen and chat with Mama Vi, ask the question you've always wondered about, or just soak in the history.
This is a time for slaves to talk to each other with no Dominant ears around in the slave circle hosted by Mama Vi. Join Mama Vi in the circle.
Join us in the Library for a Stuffy Exchange and Storytime!
Master Madame Navia is a Leatherwoman based in Dallas, Texas who enjoys serving Her community as a Femdom group leader and is a seasoned Lifestyle Dominant and Community covered Master. She is a member of Onyx Pearls Lustre Southwest; and Matriarch of Decorum Alliance Leather Family which focuses on service, personal growth, and education. She has taught many topics at many events in Texas and Nationwide.
Join Moderator Master Retro Bella, 2024 International Master, along with panelists Madame Navia, Mrs. Dee Supreme, Marilyn Hollinger and Ms Rhonda for an empowering panel on the current state of Women Leadership in 2024. This session is open to all Women, nonbinary individuals in Women-focused spaces,and allies. Together, we'll explore how Women are reshaping authority in kink and everyday life, overcoming internal struggles,and breaking societal expectations.This is your opportunity to connect, share, and leave with the tools to find your own path towards power.
Mrs. Dee Supreme is a Queer Leather Woman from NYC, a Professional Dominatrix, consent advocate, and kink educator. A full sister of ONYX Pearls since 2020 and Road Captain (2023, 2024), she is also a founding member of the House of Supreme. With over seven years in the BDSM community, Mrs. Dee fosters consent, integrity, and personal growth, creating inclusive spaces for authentic self-expression and education.
Join Moderator Master Retro Bella, 2024 International Master, along with panelists Madame Navia, Mrs. Dee Supreme, Marilyn Hollinger and Ms Rhonda for an empowering panel on the current state of Women Leadership in 2024. This session is open to all Women, nonbinary individuals in Women-focused spaces,and allies. Together, we'll explore how Women are reshaping authority in kink and everyday life, overcoming internal struggles,and breaking societal expectations.This is your opportunity to connect, share, and leave with the tools to find your own path towards power.
Ms Rhonda (she/her) is the Owner and Executive Producer of Northwest Leather Celebration held in Sacramento, CA the 1 st weekend in May each year. She has presented and judged at local, regional, and international events. Ms Rhonda served as Northwest Master 2015 and International Master 2016/2021, and was a Producer of International Ms Leather Weekend. She is honored to serve on the Board of Directors for Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS).
Join Moderator Master Retro Bella, 2024 International Master, along with panelists Madame Navia, Mrs. Dee Supreme, Marilyn Hollinger and Ms Rhonda for an empowering panel on the current state of Women Leadership in 2024. This session is open to all Women, nonbinary individuals in Women-focused spaces,and allies. Together, we'll explore how Women are reshaping authority in kink and everyday life, overcoming internal struggles,and breaking societal expectations.This is your opportunity to connect, share, and leave with the tools to find your own path towards power.
Malika (She/Her) is the founder of POC Arkansas (est. 2021). Black Leather subs & slaves Alliance (BLsA- est. 2023),Co -founder of Leatherwomen Motivating Leatherwomen (LML est.2023), Media Director of Atlantic Leather Family Alliance (ALFA), founded by Sir J-Jay in 2020, and co-Admin for Dark Lair, (Founder Sir Guy).
She wears many hats, serving as an event organizer and as an educator, panel facilitator and Keynote speaker for various conferences.
"Surrender." It can be a scary word. Understanding what surrender is, what it can mean in one’s life, its benefits & power, and discovering that we don't have to give ourselves away in the process. “Surrendering to Surrender: A One Woman Show” is an entertaining and intimate look from Malika’s perspective, lessons learned and experiences in her ongoing journey to Surrender, how it paved the way to self-care, self- love and improved her M/s dynamic.
Master Lola Smiles is a Latina Leatherwoman of Ecuadorian descent, a covered Leather Master from Long Island, NY. She has been in the lifestyle for 3 decades - a BDSM educator & presenter, teaching throughout the U.S. and Internationally, and an event promoter for the last 12 years. Head of the House of SCK (est. 2018); Operations Lead & Co-Chair of the Leather Solidarity Collective; Publicity & Operations Lead for Twisting Culture.
South Plains Leatherfest has, in most recent years, been described as a wonderful Leather family gathering. Leatherfolk from around the country and even around the world all come together to fellowship, play, be entertained, and enjoy each other's company. But, as in the case with most families, there can be internal issues that sometimes are overlooked, or that cannot be overlooked. Recent events politically and otherwise have put a strain on our familial relationships. To this end, Sir Guy from the Dark Lair, along with Master Lola Smiles and Goddess Indigo have put together this conversation, “The Talk - The Conversation BIPOC Folk Need to Have“ to have an open conversation about the things that unite us, and the things that divide us, and to iron out our differences in the sincere hope that we can be united in our fight to bring about safe spaces and welcoming arms to all in the BIPOC Communities. As Malcolm X said, "You can't separate peace from freedom. No one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." This conversation is about helping us acquire what Leather is all about: our peace and our freedom, so this is exclusively for those who openly identify as being BIPOC. BIPOC Family, please join the discussion.
The Goddess, a covered Leather Master, is an author and international educator known for her quirky humor. As International Ms. Leather 2024, the first BIPOC Ms. Texas Leather (2023), and the second IMsL of Asian descent, she is a passionate advocate for inclusion, activism, and equity. A founding board member of Onyx Pearls Lustre Southwest, as well as Directrix of MAsT Austin, she leads with purpose alongside her three devoted slaves. As part of the oldest BIPOC Matriarchal Leather family, she inspires through her teachings on sustainable authority-imbalanced dynamics and empowering female-led relationships. The Goddess calls for unity and collective action to protect and uplift marginalized communities worldwide.
South Plains Leatherfest has, in most recent years, been described as a wonderful Leather family gathering. Leatherfolk from around the country and even around the world all come together to fellowship, play, be entertained, and enjoy each other's company. But, as in the case with most families, there can be internal issues that sometimes are overlooked, or that cannot be overlooked. Recent events politically and otherwise have put a strain on our familial relationships. To this end, Sir Guy from the Dark Lair, along with Master Lola Smiles and Goddess Indigo have put together this conversation, “The Talk - The Conversation BIPOC Folk Need to Have“ to have an open conversation about the things that unite us, and the things that divide us, and to iron out our differences in the sincere hope that we can be united in our fight to bring about safe spaces and welcoming arms to all in the BIPOC Communities. As Malcolm X said, "You can't separate peace from freedom. No one can be at peace unless he has his freedom." This conversation is about helping us acquire what Leather is all about: our peace and our freedom, so this is exclusively for those who openly identify as being BIPOC. BIPOC Family, please join the discussion.